Monday 17 March 2025 (Tentative program)

Location: Auditorium, Q-building, Department of Radiotherapy, UMC Utrecht


 9:20-9:30  Opening remarks Matteo Maspero, UMC Utrecht
9:30-11:00 Lectures
9:30-10:30 Introduction to deep learning
Mitko Veta (TU Eindhoven)
10:30-11:00 Deep learning for autocontouring
Matteo Maspero (UMC Utrecht)
 11:00-11:20  Break   
11:20-12:30 Lectures
11:20-11:55 Deep learning methods for image reconstruction
Samuele Papa (NKI Amsterdam)
11:55-12:30 Deep learning methods for image registration and contour propagation
Maarten Terpstra (UMC Utrecht)
 12:30-13:30  Lunch   
13:30-15:35 Lectures
13:30-14:15 Deep learning for image synthesis
Adrian Thummerer (LMU Munich)
14:15-14:55 Deep learning for treatment planning
Sebastiaan Breedveld (Erasmus MC Rotterdam)
14:55-15:35 Explainable AI & Uncertainty
Victor Strijbis, University Hospital Bern
 15:35-15:50  Break   
15:50-17:00 Lectures
15:50-16:30 Large language models in radiotherapy
Nico van den Berg (UMC Utrecht)
16:30-17:00 Regulatory issues & Implementation of deep learning applications in the clinic
To be confirmed
 17:00  Drinks